Jessica Biel name change: Call her Mrs. Timberlake

Jessica Biel is going to change her name. The actress married beau Justin Timberlake last Friday in Italy and on Oct. 26, Today reported that she will officially take her husband's last name. While this is "traditional," a lot of famous women choose not to change their names because they are well known by the name they already have.

"Yes, I'm changing my name. My professional name will still be the same, but for life, yes, I think it sounds great. I think I really won the jackpot of names," Biel explained. She joins a long list of women who have decided to keep their maiden name in the professional world. Carrie Underwood, for example, goes by Carrie Fisher in her personal life.

Jessica Biel's name change could take a couple of weeks to go through. She has to file all of the appropriate paperwork and to get everything in order. However, it doesn't seem like Biel put too much thought in to it. Just because she's famous doesn't mean that she wouldn't want to take her husband's last name—and she's right... she did "win the jackpot" of names. There are thousands of girls who would just die to have Justin's last name.

Jessica and Justin have been dating for quite a few years. They became engaged in December 2011 and didn't waste too much time planning their wedding. They both played coy when asked about their upcoming nuptials, but it certainly seems like they knew exactly what they wanted to do.

Jessica Biel's name change won't affect her career. As she explains, she will still use "Biel" in the professional world.