Monkey in IKEA

Monkey in IKEA :  Shearling Coat-Wearing Monkey Found Wandering Around Canadian Ikea

Monkey in IKEA
Monkey in IKEA

According to various reports, a very fashionably dressed monkey was found wandering around an Ikea in Toronto. Apparently, the monkey, who was wearing a shearling coat and a diaper, was brought to the store by his owners and left in the car while they went inside. But, as you might have guessed from his coat, this wasn't your regular, run-of-the-mill monkey, content to stay in the car while his owners had all the shopping fun. As the Globe and Mail reports:

Toronto Police Staff Sergeant Ed Dzingala described the animal as a "smart monkey," who was somehow able to escape its crate, open the car door and make its way to the customer pick-up area at Ikea's North York location.

Naturally, news of the escaped monkey made the rounds on Twitter.

Monkey in IKEA
Monkey in IKEA

The monkey was reportedly free in the store for close to an hour before animal control arrived. Eventually, the monkey's owners noticed he was missing and asked about him. Presumably, they were reunited, although that hasn't been confirmed yet.

And if you were thinking of making the inevitable "Ikea monkey" Twitter parody account, bad news; you've been beaten to it, twice.

Keyword : Monkey in IKEA